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See what's next for the Jenkins user interface - DevOps World 2022

Jan Faracik
Jan Faracik
Tim Jacomb
Tim Jacomb
August 26, 2022
This is a speaker blogpost for a DevOps World 2022 talk in Orlando, Florida
jenkins redesign preview

... at the 'Transformation of the Jenkins User Interface and Where it’s Going Next' talk at DevOps World 2022, Thursday, September 29 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM EDT.

We’ll be giving a talk on the history of the Jenkins user interface, where we stand today, and a look into the future of where we plan to take Jenkins.

Expect to hear about the lessons we’ve learned and the challenges we’re tackling as we update Jenkins for the modern web.

Topics include:

  • A brief history of the Jenkins UI

  • What’s wrong with the current UI

  • The work we’re doing currently

  • Live demo showcasing a futuristic Jenkins

If you want to get involved in the UI/UX discussions of Jenkins please join the User Experience SIG.

You can watch our monthly meetings on YouTube and you can view in-progress work on GitHub.

About the authors

Jan Faracik

Jan Faracik

Developer. Passion for user experience and design. I enjoy running, music, and the outdoors.

Tim Jacomb

Tim Jacomb

Jenkins core maintainer, along with slack, azure-keyvault and configuration-as-code plugins. Tim started using Jenkins in 2013 and became an active contributor in 2018. Tim enjoys working on open source software in his “free” time.